Do This to Lower Blood Pressure

If you suffer from high blood pressure you might think you’re already what to do to lower it. But if you haven’t yet tried incorporating an isometric exercise like a squat or a wall sit into your exercise regime, then you might want to give it a go.

According to a paper published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine recently, although aerobic exercise is often through to be of most benefit to those with heart health issues, static holding exercises were found to be more effective at reducing blood pressure than anything more intense.

The reason is due to the release of blood when you finish holding the position. After a period of holding muscles tense, it’s the sudden flow of blood at the relaxation point that’s thought to help keep blood pressure balanced. According to the study, four reps of a two-minute wall sit exercise was found to be equivalent to the same reduction as commonly prescribed blood pressure drugs. Other examples of isometric exercises to try include leg lifts, planks and push ups.

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