Why Looking After Your Oral Health is Key
Going to the dentist might be something to groan about, but in the wake of the pandemic and the rising awareness of antibacterial personal care taking centre stage, looking after what’s going on inside our mouths has become more important as we wake up to the impact of our oral health on our overall health. According to experts, the mouth isn’t just a separate entity to the rest of the body, but more like a microcosm of activity that can reveal wider issues going on elsewhere. As well as proven links between bacteria, gum disease and tooth decay and certain cardiac infections, dental health can also be an indicator of other serious conditions such as diabetes. More worryingly tooth decay, an entirely preventable condition, is now one of the leading issues in children’s oral health and can lead to more serious conditions if left untreated. In short, there’s never been a better time to start fostering healthy oral habits.
Here are some easy ways to look improve your dental health…
Floss more
We might all try to floss regularly but sometimes even the best intentions fall by the wayside. While you might just think of flossing as something that removes hard to reach bits of food, flossing is crucial as well for reducing a build-up of plaque that can lead to more serious conditions such as calcium build ups and early gum disease. As well as preventing more serious issues, regular flossing helps stimulate the gums, keep blood flowing to the area and reduce inflammation which can cause swelling and discomfort.
Cut down on sugar
We know that sugar is bad news full stop but an excess of the sweet stuff in your diet is also very bad news for your dental health. As it converts to acid in your mouth, sugar can wear away the enamel on your teeth – the protective coating that shields your teeth from daily use such as chewing, biting, crunching, and grinding. If the acid is allowed to build, it can lead to cavities or tiny holes in the surface of your teeth. If left untreated these can develop onto severe toothache, infection and even tooth loss. Sugar isn't just a bad idea for your teeth themselves, to much of it can also cause problems for your gums too, leading to gingivitis which can in turn then lead to receding gums and the associated complications that come with that.
Take probiotics
Defined as living microbes that positively impact the health of an environment, probiotics have traditionally been associated with optimising gut health. Although research into the impact of probiotics on oral health is still in its infancy, experts believe that consumption of probiotics might be useful in the treatment and prevention of certain conditions such as halitosis and mouth infections. Since probiotics can be used to redress the balance of good bacteria in the gut in particular, there is a school of thought that the use of probiotics may be able to influence the microbiota in the mouth too with beneficial effect. Try Workshop's Probiotic + Prebiotic for your daily dose.
Brush for at least 2 minutes
It’s all too easy to take a more cursory approach to toothbrushing before you fall into bed of an evening but brushing your teeth thoroughly every morning and even is a mainstay of good oral hygiene. Whether you’ve got an electric or a manual toothbrush you should aim to brush for at least 2 minutes - important to note if you are still using a manual toothbrush as nowadays most electric toothbrushes have an inbuilt timer function. As well as your teeth, don’t forget to brush your tongue too as plaque can also build up there, leading to halitosis and more serious oral health issues.