What to Eat for Glowing Skin

Choose dark leafy greens

Free radicals are, generally speaking, the enemy of plump, juicy skin. Luckily, leafy greens like kale, cavolo nero and spinach are packed with free radical scavenging antioxidants, which help to dampen down the inflammation that inhibits skin’s natural renewal process. They’re also full of vitamin C which promote collagen synthesis and is a key factor in maintaining healthy, radiant skin and vitamin K which helps improve dark circles. If you struggle to eat as many as you should, Workshop’s Essential Greens is ideal. Packed with ingredients like spirulina and spinach, which are abundant in all the antioxidants you need to protect and repair skin, it’s easy to add into your water or daily shake. Other great sources of antioxidants are green tea and berries (add a mix of colours here to ensure optimum antioxidant value).  

Include plenty of protein

As protein is one of the key building blocks of skin tissue, ensuring it’s abundant in your diet is key if you want to reap the skin rewards. Ideally you should include plenty of animal protein such as lean red meat, chicken and fish in your diet as it contains the most complete amino acid profile, but if you follow a plant-based diet, then proteins like chia seeds, tofu and quinoa are all good sources. For a great skin-friendly boost to your morning smoothie, try adding a scoop of Workshop’s Organic Vanilla Pea Protein Formula.

Eat the right kind of fats

Eating enough of the right kind of fat can plump, hydrate and smooth your skin by strengthening the skin cell membranes, which help to keep it supple and elastic. Essential fatty acids, also known as omega-3 and 6 help form your skin’s structure and function, as well as reduce inflammation. Because the body can’t manufacture EFAs, they must come from your diet so it’s crucial that you ensure you get enough. Fatty fish like sardines, salmon and mackerel are some of the best options but avocado, flax seeds and nuts ­– all of which can be added to your daily smoothie – are also great sources.

Don’t overlook probiotics

The gut-skin axis refers to the connections between the skin and digestive system. By keeping your gut healthy with the right kinds of bacteria found in probiotic foods like miso, tempeh and sauerkraut, you can influence the health of your skin. To ensure the probiotics in your foods are able to perform optimally, look to include plenty of prebiotics in your diet as well. Prebiotics are types of specialised plant fibres which aren’t able to be digested by the body itself and which instead pass through the digestive system feeding the probiotics as they go. Think of them a bit like fertilisers which help probiotics grow and function at their best. Getting a good, regular supply of them in your diet means the probiotics are properly maintained and can get on with their job of making sure your gut bacteria thrives. Good sources of prebiotics include asparagus, bananas, garlic and onions. If you find it hard to get enough in via your diet, choose a good quality supplement like our Probiotic + Prebiotic, a combination of the two which is known as a synbiotic.