Try This Simple Tip for Better Sleep
If you’re someone that constantly struggles to fall asleep or stay asleep and you’re starting to feel like your lack of good shut-eye is causing wider problems, now’s the time to act. While there are many things you can try to improve your sleep habits, including implementing a strict sleep schedule and eliminating blue light devices before bed, there is one simple trick that’s free and accessible and can greatly improve your chances of falling asleep quicker and staying asleep for longer.
Getting outside early, before your day starts is a proven way of helping get your sleep patterns back on the right track. That’s because exposure to sunlight early in the day helps reset your sleep clock, effectively telling it when to release cortisol and melatonin, the two hormones needed to wake up in the morning and wind down in the evening, respectively.
Ideally if you can, getting out early pre-9am is optimum and for a minimum of 30 minutes. To go one further combine it with a brisk walk or run to get your body moving, which will also set you up well for the day ahead. Getting out into the sunlight will also help you feel more alert, which is never a bad thing, especially if you’ve struggled to sleep the night before. If you can’t get out before 9am, just make sure you do before the sun sets and darkness falls.