Try This for Faster Recovery
If you regularly use saunas, steam rooms and cryotherapy chambers as part of your pre and post workout programme, get ready to add another therapy to your list. Floatation therapy, which involves floating on water in a tank without light and sound, was first invented in 1954 by Dr John C. Lilly, a neuropsychiatrist interested in the impact of sensory deprivation on the brain.
Ideal as a stress reducing activity after an intense workout or a busy day, floatation therapy offers supreme relaxation benefits (complete switch off is easier to come by with sensory deprivation) which have been backed up by studies, some of which showed significant decrease in stress, anxiety and pain. Other studies have also proven its ability to reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, even on non-flotation days. As well as the physical act of floating on water, most flotation tanks use Epsom salts which are rich in magnesium sulphate. As well as reducing muscle soreness, magnesium has been shown to alleviate anxiety, regulate mood and cognitive function and improve sleep.
It's not just the stress-reducing benefits of floatation therapy which make it a great addition to your workout routine. Studies have shown that using a floatation tank after a bout of intense activity promotes better physical recovery, as well as improved measures of muscle recovery and the perceived pain of participants. For an easy and convenient way to reduce muscle soreness after a workout, why not combine floatation with our BCAA Formula, a combination of research-proven amino acids that stimulate protein synthesis and promote faster muscle recovery.