Pain After a Workout? Here’s What It Means
Although we almost always feel better after a workout (even if we’ve had to drag ourselves to do one) there are times when we’re saddled with a niggling pain. We look at some of the most common and what to do about them.
If you have a headache after a workout…
There could be several reasons why you might find yourself with a throbbing head after your training session, but one of the most common causes is dehydration. Not drinking enough before, during or after your session, particularly if you sweat a lot, is the most likely culprit, so make sure you drink plenty of fluids in and around your workout to reduce your chances. A headache after exercise could also be due to low blood sugar caused by low glucose levels. When you work out your body burns through glucose, so if you don’t eat enough before you work out, your body will get through your stores faster. To negate this, make sure you have something small to eat beforehand. A protein shake is a great way to get a dose of all-important protein, plus it’s not too heavy, try Workshop’s Organic Chocolate Pea Protein Formula blended with a banana, milk of your choice and a handful of ice. Unsweetened porridge and fruit or complex carbs like oats that are broken down slowly will also provide enough fuel to support your session.
If you feel achy after a workout…
Sore aching muscles after a workout are known is as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS. Not only is it totally normal to experience and can affect everyone of all fitness levels, but it can also often be a good sign that your training is going well. If you are experiencing it, you’ll probably find that it eases after a few days but don’t be put off exercising; it’s important to keep moving, whether it’s gentle stretching or getting your 10,000 steps in. If the soreness becomes too uncomfortable, try working out a different or body part until it eases off. To reduce the likelihood of soreness in the first place, add a cool-down phase at the end of your workout which includes plenty of stretching. Better still, introduce BCAAs into your workout regime. Workshop’s Essential BCAA Powder has been formulated specifically with post-workout recovery in mind. It contains three branched-chain amino acids, leucine, isoleucine and valine, three essential amino acids which the body can’t produce. Each of these have been chosen because they prevent muscle loss, support muscle recovery and trigger protein synthesis. It also contains L-gluthamine, an amino acid which supports muscle growth and recovery.
If you feel pain after a workout..
Different to general soreness that you get from working out intensely, shooting pain after training is generally a sign there’s an issue or injury, such as a muscle tear, compressed disc or a tweak in a tendon or ligament. If you do experience shooting pain, stop what you’re doing, take a second, walk around, do something light and low impact and see if it’s still there. If it is, then stop and get checked it out by doctor or physio. Applying something cold like an ice pack to the affected area as soon as possible is a good first aid intervention and can help reduce any swelling. If the area needs further soothing, then heat can be applied later on.
If your wrists hurt after a workout…
Although often overlooked, many exercises involve using your hands. Whether it’s TRX, kettle bells or battle ropes, wrists can often bear the brunt of pain or tenderness after a session, particularly if they’re overused, poorly positioned or generally weaker than other muscles in your arms. If you do find your wrists are sore, ensure you warm them up and down as much as possible before and after exercise to reduce the risk of injury. Hydration is key to keeping any muscle from aching as dehydrated muscles are more likely to be sore, so ensure you’re always well hydrated. Finally, try and incorporate some wrist strengthening exercises into your workouts if needed. Don’t forget too, that your hands don’t function in isolation, so it might be that you also need to look at strengthening the shoulders and upper arms.