Our Ultimate Health Hack
What if we told you that there was a lifestyle hack that could seriously impact your health but that better still, it was free and easy? Well, there is, and according to Workshop’s founder Lee, it’s something we can and should all be incorporating into our day-to-day schedules. What is it? Walking after meals. That’s right, a simple stroll after you’ve eaten is not just good at supporting a healthy digestive system, but it can also help protect your heart. “Going for a 10-minute walk is an easy way to help improve digestion and help wind you down in preparation for a good night’s sleep,” says Lee.
Walking after a meal is a great way to protect your cardio health because it prompts your muscles to use the glucose from the food you’ve just eaten and that’s circulating in your bloodstream. Because the muscles are using the glucose effectively to power your walk, it means your blood glucose levels drop – great news for your heart health. Of course, exercising in general is great for lowering your blood pressure and 'bad' cholesterol, both of which are other key factors in good heart health.
When it comes to improving and maintaining proper digestive function, the movement of the walk in itself is good as it kick starts the stomach and intestines into action, speeding up the whole digestive process. This leads to swifter digestion and fewer issues like discomfort and bloating.
Taking a stroll can also help you get a better night’s sleep because it reduces anxiety and stress, which can stop you from dropping off or prevent you staying asleep all night. Walking has also been shown to help you fall asleep more quickly too, so if you struggle with sleep then aim to factor it in after your evening meal to help you prepare for bed.
When it comes to how long after eating you should head out, expert opinions vary, but one study conducted on over 600 participants found that the optimum time to impact glucose levels was around 30-45 minutes after your meal.