Fuel Your Fibre Intake
Keeping your diet full of fibre (both soluble and insoluble) has myriad different benefits, from maintaining bowel health and lowering cholesterol to controlling blood sugar and aiding weight loss. And although the recommended daily intake, dependent on age and gender, is around 30g, most of us don’t get nearly enough. Here's how you can make a change...
1. Switch to unprocessed options
Simply swapping bread, pasta, cereal and white flour for unprocessed starches such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice and unrefined or alternative flour options can more than double your fibre intake each time. Foods that are higher in fibre take longer to digest which means slow releasing, sustained energy throughout the day.
2. Drink plenty of water
Extra fibre needs more water so supplement your extra intake with plenty of extra fluid to avoid abdominal discomfort or constipation. As a rule try to aim to drink around 2 litres per day.
3. Take a supplement
If you’re not getting enough fibre in your diet, upping your quota through a good quality supplement is a good idea. Workshop’s Gut Cleansing Formula contains a blend of 12 soluble and insoluble fibre (both are essential for maintaining gut health) and is free from gluten, lectin and phytate for maximum absorbency and digestion. Just add two teaspoons to a glass of water or milk alternative everyday.
4. Choose your fruit carefully
Fruit is a great source of fibre and snacking on it is easy to fit into your daily routine. Not all fruit is equal when it comes to fibre though, so choose wisely and opt for options that are loaded with fibre such pears (5g per pear), raspberries (8g per cup) and strawberries and apples (4g).
5. Supplement your meals with pulses
Pulses such as chickpeas, beans and lentils can be an easy way to add more fibre to your meals. To make them more easily digestible and avoid bloating, soak them overnight to deactivate the lectins which can be found on the skin and which can make them harder to process in the body.