Fidget Your Way to Better Fitness
If you measure your weekly physical exercise by how many gym workouts or runs you managed to squeeze in, it might be time to think again.
Although NEAT exercise may not be something you have heard of, it is an important part of keeping your body and all its systems running smoothly. Standing for non-exercise activity thermogenesis, NEAT exercise encompasses everything that isn’t considered formal exercise, so can include everything from carrying your shopping into the house, walking downstairs to make a cup of tea, and even fidgeting. According to Stanford professor Andrew Huberman, something as trivial-seeming as fidgeting could attribute to the burning of 100s, or even 1000s of calories a day.
All of these activities, which we take for granted and probably don’t think of as important, help your body use its internal energy supply properly so that it can function normally and keep you feeling your best. As well as helping with things like muscle recovery, cardiovascular health and blood sugar control, ample amounts of NEAT exercise can relieve stress and lower inflammation in the body. Generally speaking, everything that counts as NEAT exercise tends to be a low impact form of movement, so it’s ideal for those coming back from injury. Turns out that every little really does help.