Digest Your Stress
You’re probably familiar with the anxious knots you get in your stomach when you feel stressed, but did you know that stress also has a physical effect on your digestion?
When you're stressed, your body releases hormones like cortisol to ready the body to face the threat. When that happens, the sympathetic nervous system switches on and non-crucial systems like digestion and immunity are suppressed. When this happens, it can have different effects depending on the individual.
In some, this stress response slows down the digestive system, causing bloating, discomfort and even constipation. In others, it speeds it up, resulting in diarrhoea and cramping. It can also worsen existing digestive issues like IBS and ulcers.
In addition to this, stress causes the body to produce less stomach acid. A condition called hypochlorhydria, low levels of stomach acid mean that food isn’t digested as properly as it should be and the nutrients in it can’t be absorbed as efficiently. If not addressed, it can lead to indigestion and even an overgrowth of harmful bacteria which can cause long-term issues.
To avoid stress impacting your daily life and your digestive system, take active steps to manage your stress better. Employing daily rituals like regular exercise, mindful breathing and journaling, are all good ways you can foster a healthier response to stress. You can also supplement your diet with something that promotes and maintains good gut health, like Workshop’s Gut Cleansing Formula.