4 Ways to Get A Happier Gut
Good gut health is the gateway to everything from better sleep to increased energy and weight loss. Read on to discover how to get yours happy and healthy.
1. Ferment your foods
Okay so you don’t have to ferment your food yourself, but eating fermented foods is a sure-fire way to get a happier, healthier gut. That’s because they’re a great source of natural probiotics which contribute to a healthier, more balanced microbiome in your gut. Getting a regular source of probiotics has been shown to reduce digestive issues and support better immunity too. Kefir, kimchi, live yoghurt, sauerkraut, tempeh and miso are all good sources and widely available.
2. Eat more fibre
Adding more fibre to your diet is crucial for good gut health because the cells in your colon need it to stay healthy. Fibre also helps to keep the digestive tract flowing by keeping your bowel movements soft and regular; for an easy way to ensure you’re getting enough, try Workshop’s Gut Cleansing Formula which contains a soluble and insoluble blend of 12 essential fibres. Simple swap of white bread, pasta and rice for wholegrain options can more than double your fibre intake each time, while pulses are an easy way to add more fibre to your meals. If you’re using canned varieties, choose those with no added salt or sugar and always soak them overnight first. That helps to deactivate the lectins which can be found on the skin and which can make them harder to process in the body.
3. Reduce your stress
We all know that stress can seriously affect our mood and sleep, but perhaps less well known is its ability to impact gut health. Being under stress can physically affect the way in which your intestinal muscles contract and stretch. It can also increase fluid secretion, both of which can lead to issues such as diarrhoea, abdominal pain, gas, bloating and constipation. It can also significantly worsen existing issues like IBS and ulcers. Look at ways you can reduce your stress, such as including meditation and breathing exercises in your daily routine or going for a walk.
4. Get more sleep
Recent research shows that if your gut is unbalanced or unhealthy, it can affect your ability to get a good night’s sleep. Most of the body’s serotonin, the hormone that affects mood and sleep is produced in the gut, so if that environment is compromised, you may not be able to get enough good quality sleep. Similarly, the gut is known as the second brain and given that researchers have found a link between poor gut health and cognitive function and poor cognitive function and impaired sleep, it stands to reason that the two are connected. To improve your chances of good quality, regular sleep, keep your gut as healthy and balanced as possible.
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